Download WordWeb Pro is a comprehensive dictionary software that allows you to search for words, definitions, synonyms and related words both from offline and online sources.
The program can look up words from almost any program with just one click, can includes usage examples, pronunciations, web references, has helpful spelling, and has the option to highlight widely used synonyms.
WordWeb Pro Ultimate Reference Bundle Full Version is an advanced version of this software, it has more audio pronunciations, has custom web references and glossaries, and has advanced search and filter options.
Features of WordWeb Pro 10
- Add your own custom glossaries with easy
- Builds a list words and remember definitions
- Comprehensive dictionary with web references
- Cross-reference to other installed dictionaries
- Many additional word, language and noun lists
- Quickly and smartly find words matching a pattern
- Search for text appearing in any definition
- Separate tabbed page for easy cross-referencing
- Copy parts and all of the definitions, 和更多.
操作系统: 视窗 7/8/10/11处理器: 奔腾 IV 或以上记忆: 1 GB 内存 (2 国标推荐)贮存: 2 GB or more available版本: 10.35尺寸: 168 MB
开发商: WordWeb Software
SimpleSoft 简单发票
0 (0) -
软件网络发票 10.17
0 (0) -
改善资产经理 2022 企业 3.1.1008
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电子视图 10 企业版
3 (1) -
数学资源工作室专业版 7.0.172
0 (0) -
课堂间谍专业人士 4.8.8
5 (2) -
地理几何 6.0.703.0
0 (0) -
解毒剂 11 v4.1
4 (1)