EximiousSoft Banner Maker 3.73

EximiousSoft 橫幅製作工具 3.73

免費下載 EximiousSoft Banner Maker Pro 3 完整版獨立離線安裝程序 + 適用於 Windows,是製作 GIF 橫幅廣告的出色應用程式. web buttons and headers etc. web graphics. It has all essential vector-based drawing tools and supports layer editing fully.

It is a full featured with good design tools and fast way to build high quality banner images, provides a WYSIWYG interface for manipulation of vector graphics, allowing you to express yourself freely. The program offers high quality 400+ ready-made professional banner templates, 500+ pre-designed clip arts & 5000+ vector symbols and amazed rendering filters.

For each shape object even texts, it can be filled or stroked with solid color, gradient colors, images, or patterns. Each drawing object can be made with drop shadow, glow, reflection, 3D bevel etc. 視覺效果. You can preview banners in Web browser directly, and web graphics are supported to be saved as GIF, JPG and PNG etc. image.

Features of EximiousSoft Banner Maker Pro 3

  • Edit web graphics with full image painted tools and vctor-based drawing tools.
  • Provides 60+ effects to build animated attractive GIF banners by one click.
  • Provides 500+ banner & 200+ button pre-designed templates and 5000+ symbols and many preseted gardient sytle, 紋理.
  • Supports layer editing and each object can be rendered with drop shadow, glow, reflection,3d bevel effects.
  • Any shape objects even texts can be stroken with more pre-designed dash style.
  • Build impressive banner animations with the effects only one click.
  • Preview banner animations which is built with the selected effect.
  • Each effect often give many options for adjusting or customing.
  • Undo & Redo anywhere anytime.
  • Supports your banners export to JPG, 動圖, 巴布亞紐幾內亞, 骨形態發生蛋白, PCX, TGA, TIFF files with customed options.
  • Allows to load image files from GIF, 骨形態發生蛋白, PCX, JPG, TIFF, 巴布亞紐幾內亞, TGA, PSD, ICO, CUR, ANI ect. files.
  • Supports to add frames, delete frames, duplicate frames, blend frames and adjust order.
  • Supports to load frames from most popular image format file and AVI video file.
  • Resize animation, resize canvas, set loop times and edit delay for selected frames.


作業系統: 視窗 7/8/10/11處理器: 奔騰 IV 或更高版本記憶: 1 GB 記憶體 (2 國標推薦)貯存: 200 MB 或更多版本: 3.73尺寸: 44 MB

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EximiousSoft 橫幅製作工具 3.73

最後更新 : 四月 3, 2023


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