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Windows PowerShell 7.4.1

Windows PowerShell 7.4.1

Free Download Windows PowerShell standalone offline installer for Windows. It is a cross-platform automation and configuration tool that deals with a data structure.

This is a cross-platform automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (i.e., JSON, CSV, XML, и т. д.), REST APIs, and object models.

The software has more than 130 commandlets (cmdlets), dedicated commands designed to utilize specific functions, which can carry out numerous types of jobs, from service or process administration to registry or object manipulation tasks.

Since Windows PowerShell provides access to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Component Object Model (COM), local or remote management is possible.

Также, the runtime can be integrated by developers into the applications they create, thanks to the hosting API included in the package.

Features of Windows PowerShell

  • Input commands
  • Built-in API
  • Debugging capabilities
  • Create automation scripts

Системные Требования

Операционная система: Окна 7/8/10/11Процессор: 2 Процессор AMD или Intel, ГГцПамять: 2 Минимум ГБ ОЗУХранилище: 200 МБ или большеВерсия: 7.4.1Размер: 104 МБ Разработчики: Майкрософт

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Пароль : softwikia.com
Последнее обновление : февраль 17, 2024


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