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SysNucleus WebHarvy

SysNucleus WebХарви

Free Download SysNucleus WebHarvy 6 Полная версия автономного автономного установщика для Windows. It is an intuitive and powerful visual web scraper.

Intuitive Powerful Visual Web Scraper. This program can automatically scrape Text, Images, URLs & Emails from websites and save the scraped content in various formats.

There is absolutely no need to write any scripts or code to scrape data. You will be using this program’s in-built browser to navigate web pages. You can select the data to be scraped with mouse clicks. It is that easy.

Более того, it automatically identifies patterns of data occurring in web pages. So if you need to scrape a list of items (name, address, email, price, и т. д.) from a web page, you need not do any additional configuration.

Features of SysNucleus WebHarvy 6

  • Incredibly easy-to-use, start scraping within minutes
  • Extract data from multiple pages/categories/keywords
  • Save extracted data to file or database
  • Built-in scheduler and proxy support
  • Point and Click Interface
  • Scrape Data Patterns Auto Pattern Detection
  • Export scraped data Export data to file/database
  • Scrape data from multiple pages Scrape from Multiple Pages
  • Keyword based Scraping Keyword based Scraping
  • Scrape via proxy server Proxy Servers / VPN
  • Category Scraping Category Scraping
  • Automate browser interaction

Системные Требования

Операционная система: Окна 10 / 11Процессор: Intel Core i3/5/7 или AMD Athlon 64Память: 2 Минимум ГБ ОЗУХранилище: 300 МБ или большеВерсия:Размер: 102 МБ

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SysNucleus WebХарви

Последнее обновление : апрель 24, 2023


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