Download grátis do Windows 11 Professional Lite ISO Preactivated. The new Windows 11 user interface and Start menu look very similar to what was originally found in Windows 10X.
Microsoft had been simplifying Windows for dual-screen devices, before canceling this project in favor of Windows 11. Visually, the biggest changes you’ll notice can be found along the taskbar. Microsoft has centered the app icons here, cleaned up the tray area, and included a new Start button and menu.
NOTE: This version doesn’t have any Internet browser. Please get one before install also can get it from Ghost Toolbox.
NOTE: No upgrade, Fresh install only.
NOTE: More Tweaks/Apps/UWP for Windows 11 is coming.
Recursos do Windows 11 SuperLite
- Compacto Integrado + LZX (algoritmo)
- Bloatware GRATUITO!!
- Arquivo de paginação/serviços/programado/indexador de pesquisa otimizado
- Otimizações de privacidade & Performance mode!
- Caixa de ferramentas fantasma! (Adicionar ou remover Windows Store e muito mais!)
- Support any Other Language & Teclado
- Suporte a jogos UWP / Aplicativos UWP (ex. Forza/GOW/etc etc)
- Updatable (can update to latest build windows 11!)
- Can pause window update until 2077!
Remove/Disables Components
- Remove aplicativos do Windows e aplicativos do sistema
- Remove a segurança do Windows / Defensor / Tela inteligente
- Desativar área de trabalho remota / Teclado para tablet / NFC / Prancheta / Focus Assist – (Apenas Superlite)
- Disable Print spooler (If you need printers, please set Auto in Services)
- Remove OneDrive
- Desativar Central de Ações / Notifications – (Apenas Superlite)
- Disable Telemetry – (Apenas Superlite)
- Removes Errors reports – (Apenas Superlite)
- Desativar UAC (Nunca notifique)
- Remove backup WinSxS
- Remove Winre (can add using Ghost Toolbox)
Requisitos de sistema
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Windows 11 Pro Lite 21H2 Build 22000.194
Windows 8.1 SuperLite
3 (2) -
Windows 10 Leve
4.3 (3) -
Servidor Windows 2019
0 (0) -
Windows 11 RevOS 2023
4.7 (3) -
Zorin O.S. 16 Pró
4.5 (15) -
Windows 10 RevOS 2023
4 (6)