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Caixa Virtual

Free Download VirtualBox 7 full version standalone offline installer for Windows it is a general-purpose full virtualizer for hardware.

Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software. VirtualBox is a powerful virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. VirtualBox provides are useful for several scenarios: Running multiple operating systems simultaneously.

It allows you to run more than one operating system at a time. Por aqui, you can run software written for one operating system on another (por exemplo, Windows software on Linux or a Mac) without having to reboot to use it.

Testing and disaster recovery. Once installed, a virtual machine and its virtual hard disks can be considered a “container” that can be arbitrarily frozen, woken up, copied, backed up, and transported between hosts. On top of that, with the use of another VirtualBox feature called “snapshots”, one can save a particular state of a virtual machine and revert back to that state, if necessary.

Features of VirtualBox 7

  • Infrastructure consolidation
  • Significantly reduce hardware and electricity costs

Requisitos de sistema

Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11Processador: Pentium IV ou superiorMemória: 1 GB de RAM (2 GB recomendado)Armazenar: 200 MB ou maisVersão: 105 MB Desenvolvedores: Oracle

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Caixa Virtual

Caixa Virtual 6.1.32 Construir 149290

Last update : Julho 1, 2023


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