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USB Low-Level Format 5.01

Formato USB de baixo nível 5.01

Formato USB de baixo nível

Free Download USB Low-Level Format standalone offline installer for Windows. It allows you to restore the disk drive to its factory defaults.

This is a simple process of disk formatting operation that restores the disk drive to its factory defaults. It performs zero-fills for USB storage devices and simulates the finishing process as done in the factory. It can clear all flags, all data, and all settings in USB drives.

It allows to create bootable USB drive for Windows installation, create bootable USB drive for MSDOS, FreeDOS, Unix, Linux, WinPE (Windows PE), and WinRE (Windows Recovery Environment). It offers nine industrial-strength data wipe options that securely wipe data on USB drives. It supports the initialization of USB drives of any capacity to popular file systems, such as NTFS, FAT32, FAT, and exFAT.

It supports more than 20 USB drive controller brands, such as Intel, Samsung, Micron, Phison, SMI, Marvell, Toshiba, Silicon Motion, PMC, Serra, OCZ, JMicron, Maxiotek, Goke, Greenliant, Fusion-io, Realtek, SanDisk, Western Digital, Hyperstone, Novachips, VIA, FADU.

Features of USB Low-Level Format

  • Simple process of disk formatting
  • Restores disk drive to its factory defaults
  • Clears all flags, data, and settings
  • Create a bootable USB drive
  • Suporta mais de 20 USB drive controller brands
  • 9 industrial-strength data wipe options

Requisitos de sistema

Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11Processador: 2 Processador AMD ou Intel de GHzMemória: 2 Mínimo de GB de RAMArmazenar: 300 MB ou maisVersão: 5.01Tamanho: 5 MB Desenvolvedores: Bureausoft Corporation

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Formato USB de baixo nível 5.01

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Last update : Marchar 8, 2024


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