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Light Image Resizer 6.1.7

Redimensionador de imagem clara 6.1.7

Download Light Image Resizer Full Crack

Download Light Image Resizer Full Crack for Windows 11. You can use this software to do photo editing. No entanto, only a few things can be done using this application. You can easily convert images and photos and resize them using this application.

This application is known for its powerful capabilities so that the results of the image resizer will look good and of high quality.

The interface of this application is also made very simple. That makes this application easy to use by anyone. You can also do a little editing, such as adjusting brightness, contrast and changing the color depth.

So that your images are protected from theft, you can add a watermark to the images. There are also various image filters that will make your pictures look prettier. Então, for those of you who are interested, just download Light Image Resizer full crack for free on the panel below.

Features of Light Image Resizer Crack

  • Resize images and resize photos
  • Compress, convert and make copies easily
  • Create beautiful collage layouts for social media with just a few clicks
  • Resize and convert multiple images at once
  • High quality resize results using fast multi-core, photo resize technology
  • High quality image resizing filters
  • Lanczos and Bicubic for the best compression quality, and Linear for the speed
  • Create e-mail friendly images or use them for internet publishing
  • Sort, rename, or add a watermark to protect your images
  • Create custom PDF pages
  • Easily convert JPEG to PDF
  • Adjust brightness and contrast, change color depth (BMP and JPEG)

Requisitos de sistema

Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11Processador: Pentium IV ou superiorMemória: 1 GB de RAM (2 GB recomendado)Armazenar: 200 MB ou maisVersão: 6.1.7Tamanho: 10 MB Desenvolvedores: ObviousIdea

How to Install Light Image Resizer Full Version Free Download

1. Light Image Resizer full version free download link google drive
2. Usar Winrar para extrair arquivos
3. Turn off the Internet, Antivírus, e Windows Defender
4. Process the Setup.exe arquivo para instalação

Install Light Image Resizer

5. Wait for it to be installed and don't open it yet
6. Copy and paste the patch file to the installation folder C:\Arquivos de Programas (x86)\ObviousIdea\Light Image Resizer 6
7. Run the copied Patch

Install Light Image Resizer

8. Clique Correção botão

Install Light Image Resizer

9. Make sure to block the app with the Bloqueador de aplicativos de firewall
10. Feito!

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Download Link

Redimensionador de imagem clara 6.1.7

Redimensionador de imagem clara

Redimensionador de imagem clara

Last update : Julho 30, 2023


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