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JSON Buddy 6.1.2

JSON Buddy 6.1.2

Free Download JSONBuddy Desktop 6 instalador offline autônomo da versão completa para Windows, it is an advanced way to edit and create JSON and JSON schema.

Overview of JSONBuddy Desktop 6

A better way to edit and create JSON and JSON schema. The only editor with full support for Draft 4, 6 and Draft 7. Intelligent auto-completion using JSON schema information. Create JSON content in less time.

Brace highlighting, JSON pretty-print and remove whitespace features. Whenver you need to edit any JSON input which is not well-formed.

Features of JSONBuddy Desktop 6

  • Context sensitive entry-helper
  • JSON Text editor
  • JSON syntax checking
  • Best JSON schema editor available
  • Code folding
  • Syntax-coloring
  • Complete JSON editor environment

Requisitos de sistema

Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11Processador: 2 Processador AMD ou Intel de GHzMemória: 2 Mínimo de GB de RAMArmazenar: 200 MB ou maisVersão: 6.1.2Tamanho: 20 MB

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JSON Buddy 6.1.2

Last update : abril 27, 2022


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