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Wise Program Uninstaller

현명한 프로그램 제거 프로그램

무료 다운로드 현명한 프로그램 제거 프로그램 3 full version standalone offline installer for Windows it helps you uninstall your unwanted programs or forcibly uninstall the program you can’t uninstall by Windows or other programs.

It also can remove the residual entries which may drive you mad. Wise Program Uninstaller can search out more leftovers after you uninstall an unwanted program and then it can provide a deeper and more thorough removal of the residual entries of the uninstalled program.

For some stubborn software or software with a broken uninstaller, they can’t be uninstalled by conventional means. The ‘Forced Uninstall’ option of Wise Program comes in handy. It scans your system for all the files and registries, that are associated with this software and deletes them thoroughly, just like you have never installed the software.

Featuring an intuitive and modern interface, it also allows you to organize applications according to name, size, date and review to find the software you want to uninstall very fast. Or you can type in the name to find the software right away.

Features of Wise Program Uninstaller 3

  • Ensures Clean and Thorough Software Uninstalling
  • Forced Uninstall removes any stubborn software
  • Finds the Software You Want to Uninstall Fast
  • Context Menu Option makes software Uninstall more efficient
  • Completely Free and Perfectly Compatible with Almost All Windows Versions

시스템 요구 사항

운영 체제: 윈도우 7/8/10/11프로세서: 펜티엄 IV 이상메모리: 1 GB RAM (2 GB 권장)저장: 200 MB 이상버전:크기: 6.2 MB 개발자: WiseCleaner

5 1 투표

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현명한 프로그램 제거 프로그램

마지막 업데이트 : 팔월 15, 2023


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