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ResumeMaker Professional Deluxe

ResumeMaker Professional Deluxe

Free Download ResumeMaker Professional Deluxe 20 Windows용 정식 버전 독립 실행형 오프라인 설치 프로그램. It is a step-by-step guide that will help you create a professional resume that showcases your experience, skills, and capabilities to apply for positions and share on social media networks to get a better job.

Overview of ResumeMaker Professional Deluxe 20 Benefits

Select the perfect style for your resume. Choose from 60 styles and customize the font, 제도법, and colors to reflect your unique skills and experience. You can customize any style with a choice of header, colors and add graphics or a photograph. Get sample scripts and expert advice on creating a Video Resume. Find out if a Video Resume is right for the job you are seeking. View sample Video Resumes for ideas and inspiration.

Publish your resume at your own private web address in the cloud—a free service managed by ResumeMaker. Send a URL of your resume to hiring managers, recruiters, and network contacts. ResumeMaker allows you to post your resume on popular social media sites like LinkedIn, 페이스북, 트위터, and Google+. Make it easy for colleagues, friends, and hiring managers to access your posted resume.

Overview of ResumeMaker Professional Deluxe 20 Features

  • Your answers to easy questions are transformed into the perfect resume. Add, change, or delete at any time.
  • Select a professionally-written resume from 1,250 samples for nearly every career. Customize it with your own information to create a quality resume!
  • Create a resume by selecting phrases from 14,000+ job types. Customize by selecting the resume phrases that describe your experience. It’s that easy!
  • Open a previously saved resume in ResumeMaker and use a copy to quickly edit. Then choose from powerful phrases, words, and expert advice to enhance your resume.
  • Import a resume from Word and edit and update the content using the Resume Editor. Choose from powerful phrases, words, and expert advice to enhance your resume. Then apply the resume style that reflects your unique qualifications and experience.

시스템 요구 사항

운영 체제: 윈도우 7/8/8.1/10프로세서: 2 GHz AMD 또는 Intel 프로세서메모리: 2 GB RAM 최소저장: 1 GB 최소 여유 드라이브 공간버전:크기: 500 MB

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ResumeMaker Professional Deluxe

마지막 업데이트 : 4월 7, 2022


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