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PHPMaker 2023.13

PHPMaker 2023.13

Download PHPMaker is an advanced PHP generator that provides a powerful, flexible and automation tool to create web sites with built-in PHP form and database. This version brings major changes from the previous version, including new list page, new faster script engine, 등등.

It allows you to create PHP web sites that allow users to view and manage records on the web quickly and easily. It supports most of the database engine, including: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft Access, 마이크로소프트 SQL 서버, as well as Oracle databases.

PHPMaker Full Version offers the easiest solution to create a database driven website. It comes with a very intuitive interface, easy-to-use, very flexible, can be customized according to the needs, numerous options and fast course. Make everyone can build a professional and secure website easily and quickly.

Features of PHPMaker

  • Simple, intuitive, and easy-to-use
  • Synchronizing project with database
  • Supports MySQL, Access, and Oracle, 등.
  • Supports mulitple detail tables
  • Support file uploading to database
  • Upload file to database or folder
  • Table-specific list page options
  • Linked tables from multiple databases
  • Fully customizable view and edit options
  • Export database to any formats
  • Customizable template and UI
  • Export databases/tables to printer
  • Custom view barcode and QR code
  • Create PHP apps with responsive Layout
  • Complete user registration system
  • Breadcrumbs, vector icons, and tooltip
  • Advanced database security, 그리고 더 많은 것.

시스템 요구 사항

운영 체제: 윈도우 7/8/10/11프로세서: 펜티엄 IV 이상메모리: 2 GB RAM or 4 GB 권장저장: 200 MB Storage or up버전: 2023.13크기: 58.3 MB

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PHPMaker 2023.13

마지막 업데이트 : 1월 1, 2024


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