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Nitro Pro Enterprise

Nitro Pro Enterprise

Free Download Nitro Pro 14 Enterprise / Retail full version for Windows PC gives you everything you need to create, 전환하다, 편집하다, sign, and share standard PDF files. It’s simple, straightforward, and intuitive to useso you can work more productively your way.

With Nitro Pro, you can share your files with others, no matter what platform or device they are on, and Nitro Pro makes conversion easy. Convert one or more files to PDF with just a click or two. Reuse and repurpose PDF-based content with greater accuracy.

With Nitro Pros industry-leading conversion technology and an array of extraction tools, you can easily repurpose text and images from reports, presentations, and more for reuse in any other application. Share files with the peace of mind, knowing almost anyone on almost any machine can open, view, and reviewevery time.

Equip more of your knowledge workers with the PDF productivity of Nitro Pro and the eSignature tools of Nitro Cloud—all while cutting costs by an average of 50% relative to your Adobe Acrobat and DocuSign agreements.

Features of Nitro Pro 14 Enterprise

  • Create PDF and PDF/A documents from virtually any Windows file.
  • Convert and merge files into a single PDF document.
  • Convert entire collections of files to PDF in one batch.
  • Scan paper documents to PDF.
  • Export PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more.
  • Extract all text and images from PDF documents.
  • Batch convert PDF files to Word, RTF, and text formats.
  • Insert and edit text, including font, size, color and more.
  • Edit images — insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract.
  • Split pages of PDF documents based on page groups, page ranges, and bookmark structure.
  • Add and edit bookmarks and links.
  • Optimize, shrink and repair PDF documents.
  • Edit document properties including metadata and initial view settings.
  • Create fully compliant PDF/A documents.
  • Create editable PDF files and customize documents using the Editable Text feature.
  • Flexible multi-language support.
  • Highlight text content with the Highlight, 밑줄, Cross Out and Replace Text tools.
  • Add Sticky Notes, Text Boxes, and Call Out annotations.
  • Add freehand drawings with the Pencil tool.
  • Secure documents with passwords and certificates.
  • Encrypt with 40-bit, 128-조금, and 256-bit level security.
  • Apply restrictions on printing, copying, and altering PDF documents.
  • Fill in, save, print and submit forms.
  • Design forms.
  • Add, edit and run jаvascript.

시스템 요구 사항

운영 체제: 윈도우 7/8/10/11 (64-조금)프로세서: 1.5 GHz or faster메모리: 2 GB RAM 최소제도법: 1280 엑스 800 화면 해상도, 1920 엑스 1080 (추천)저장: 4 GB 최소 여유 드라이브 공간버전:크기: 258 MB 개발자: Nitro Software추가 참고 사항: Microsoft Office Integrated Features: MS Office 2013 (32bit or 64bit), 2016 (32bit or 64bit)

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다운로드 링크

마지막 업데이트 : 십월 5, 2023


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