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Mipony Pro 3.3.0

마이포니 프로 3.3.0

Windows용 Mipony Pro 정식 버전 독립형 오프라인 설치 프로그램을 무료로 다운로드하세요.; it is a download manager that gives you access to content in various sizes to save it to your computer or mobile device.

The app’s intuitive interface and built-in browser lets you quickly find the items you’re looking for and begin downloading.

Once the link has been added to the download list, It will download the files while you navigate, and if you close the download program, the downloads will be restarted when you start the program again.

Features of Mipony Pro

  • Possibility to give priority to files on the waiting list
  • Control how many files can be downloaded simultaneously from each server
  • If the file shows an error during the download, Mipony will perform the necessary attempts automatically until the file is downloaded.
  • It has an embedded browser from where the download links are detected.
  • It allows the configuration of Flashgot to send links to Mipony
  • In a bar format to launch downloads from Firefox and Explorer directly to Mipony or to open the site viewed in the browser of Mipony.
  • Web interface to control it remotely.

시스템 요구 사항

운영 체제: 윈도우 7/8/10/11프로세서: 펜티엄 IV 이상메모리: 2 GB RAM (4 GB 권장)저장: 200 MB 이상버전: 3.3.0크기: 23.2 MB 개발자: Mipony

0 0 투표

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다운로드 링크

마이포니 프로 3.3.0

마지막 업데이트 : 구월 26, 2023


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