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Exposure Software Snap Art

Exposure Software Snap Art

Exposure Software Snap Art Full Version 4 무료 다운로드 64 조금

Free Download Alien Skin Exposure Software Snap Art 4 full crack standalone offline installer for Windows it lets you experiment with multiple artistic styles via a simple, sleek user interface.

The refreshed design and layout reduces distractions and provides fast visual browsing of a wide array of presets so you can achieve perfect results quicker than ever. Snap Art works everywhere you do, including as a standalone application that provides easy batch processing.

With Snap Art, no hand-eye coordination or technical training is required. You make the creative choices to turn your artistic vision into reality and leave the brushwork to Snap Art.

It comes loaded with a wide variety of presets, but they are just starting points for your own unique style. If you discover a preset that sparks an idea, it’s easy to mold it to fit your needs. Save your new look as a preset with a name, category, and even include notes. Later, you can apply it to a photo (or batches of photos) with a single click.

Whatever your workflow, Snap Art will blend right in. It integrates seamlessly with Exposure, Photoshop, and Lightroom. Snap Art works as a standalone application too. This helps you quickly batch process multiple images and supports workflows that don’t use plug-ins.

Choosing your look is the focus of Snap Art, so the preset browser now uses thumbnails for a more visual experience. You can quickly filter by categories like Impasto, Crayon or Watercolor. Find specific styles with fast searching by name or description. In Snap Art you can tag your favorites so you can get back to them later. Your most recently applied effects are automatically remembered too.

Overview of Alien Skin Snap Art 4 Features

  • Artistic Expression Made Simple
  • Find Your Own Style
  • The Right Looks in a Flash
  • Quick On The Draw

기술 세부 사항 및 시스템 요구 사항

시스템 요구 사항

  • Apple Mac: OS X Yosemite (10.10) 또는 최신
  • Microsoft Windows: 윈도우 7 64-bit or newer
  • An Intel Core 2 processor or compatible
  • A monitor with 1280×768 resolution or greater

Host Requirements

  • Alien Skin Exposure X or newer
  • Adobe Photoshop CS6 or Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 또는 최신
  • Adobe Lightroom 6 or Adobe Lightroom CC 2015 또는 최신

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Exposure Software Snap Art

Exposure Software Snap Art

마지막 업데이트 : 십월 14, 2021


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