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Adobe Animate 2021 v21.0.5.40714

Adobe Animate 2021 v21.0.5.40714

Free Download Adobe Animate CC 2021 Pre-Activated offline installer + Portable for Windows PC using its cutting design tool can create interactive animations and videos on various platforms, including Flash / Adobe AIR, HTML5, WebGL publish.

Adobe Animate formerly known as Adobe Flash Professional software is the new name of web standards support. Design interactive vector and bitmap animations for games, apps, and the web. Bring cartoons and banner ads to life. And add action to tutorials and infographics. With Animate CC, you can quickly publish to multiple platforms and reach viewers on desktop, mobile, and TV.

Create interactive web-based content for games and ads using powerful illustration and animation tools. Build game environments, design start screens and interfaces, create interactive player sprites, and even integrate audio. With Animate, you can do all your asset design and coding right inside the app.

Sketch and draw more expressive characters with pressure- and tilt-sensitive vector brushes that work like the real thing. Make your characters blink, talk, and walk with simple frame-by-frame animation. And create interactive web banners that respond to user interactions such as mouse movement, touch, and clicks.

Features of Adobe Animate CC 2021

  • Create new poses for vector or raster content using mesh deformation.
  • Organize your layers in a parent-child hierarchy for easier animation between poses.
  • Thanks to Adobe Sensei, Animate now automatically matches mouth poses to sound inflections.
  • Use your 2D skills to export 360 VR animations and create an immersive experience for virtual walk-throughs.

시스템 요구 사항

운영 체제: 윈도우 7/8/10/11프로세서: Intel Core i3/5/7 또는 AMD Athlon 64메모리: 4 GB RAM (8 GB 권장)제도법: 1280 엑스 800 화면 해상도, 1920 엑스 1080 (추천)저장: 6 GB 최소 여유 드라이브 공간버전:크기: 2.2 GB 개발자: 어도비 벽돌

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Adobe Animate 2021 v21.0.5.40714

마지막 업데이트 : 칠월 1, 2023


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