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XnViewMP 1.5.5

XnViewMP 1.5.5

Free Download XnViewMP full version standalone offline installer for Windows it is an advanced version of XnViewMP, which is a powerful and reliable multimedia viewer, manager and converter.

It offers the same stylish and easy to use interface that makes it almost fun to rate, sort and catalog files while still being practical. The files are displayed in the central area of the main window and you are able to choose the type of view you want for them.

The surroundings of that central browser can be fitted with a bunch of other tools. You can dock and rearrange the windows for the folder browser, document info and file preview. This comes in very handy when you want to create your own layout and speed up your workflow.

Just like its counterpart, XnView MP provides a wide range of ways to view files. You can change the size of the preview thumbnails, compare images and even edit them. Double clicking a picture automatically opens it in the editor. Qui, you are able to analyze its histogram, resize and crop it, as well as apply various enhancement filters.

With the above to consider and much more to discover about what XnView MP can offer, it’s safe to say that it is indeed a feature packed media viewing and cataloging application.

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Features of XnViewMP

  • Unrivaled Compatibility
  • Batch Conversion
  • XnView MP comes with an easy to use yet powerful batch conversion module.
  • You are able to analyze its histogram
  • Resize and crop
  • Apply various enhancement filters

System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11Processor: Pentium IV o superioreMemory: 1 GBRAM (2 Consigliato GB)Storage: 200 MB o piùVersion: 1.5.5Size: 53 MB Developers: XnSoft

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Last update : September 24, 2023


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