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Elsten Software Bliss 20220201

Elsten Software Bliss 20220201

Scarica gratuitamente il programma di installazione offline autonomo della versione completa di Elsten Software Bliss per Windows. È un cercatore di copertine di album semplice e accurato. Scopri l'arte per registrazioni rare.

Overview of Elsten Software Bliss Benefits

Bliss is an album artwork finder that is simple, fast, and accurate. Bliss finds and installs album artwork automatically. Bliss is fully automated and can even add album artwork to your music in the background as you add the music to your collection. Bliss uses both reputable and expansive sources for its album art.

Organize your music files and folders by specifying a file organization pattern. Bliss then synchronizes your tags with your file names. Choose from different tags to include in the file organization pattern and how you want to treat whitespace. You can perform the changes automatically if you like, ideal for large collections.

Keep track of the genres in your music collection. Music genres are notorious for ballooning as you add more music from different sources. Some genres are general, like ‘Classical,’ while some are specific, like ‘Experimental Big Band.bliss allows you to control which genres are allowed in your music collection.

Overview of Elsten Software Bliss Features

  • Album artwork finder
  • Music folder organizer
  • Control your genres

System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 7/8/8.1/10Processor: 2 Processore AMD o Intel da GHzMemory: 2 Minimo GB di RAMStorage: 300 MB o piùVersion: 20220201Size: 139 MB

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Elsten Software Bliss 20220201

Last update : February 11, 2022


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