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Driver Canon IX6770

Driver Canon IX6770

Canon IX6770 Driver merupakan aplikasi gratis yang disediakan Canon untuk membantu pengguna mengontrol berbagai fungsi dan fitur printer dengan mudah.

Tanpa driver, some functions and features in the printer usually cannot be controlled through a laptop or computer, bahkan pada beberapa kasus komputer tidak dapat mendeteksi printer sama sekali.

Karena itu, sebelum printer digunakan untuk mencetak, it is better to install the driver first so that all functions and features embedded in it can be controlled easily and run optimally.

Canon sendiri sebenarnya sudah menyediakan CD driver yang disertakan dalam kotak pembelian, but because it is rarely used the driver is usually lost or even damaged.

If you experience this, don’t worry, because you can still install the driver without having to use the CD by using the driver installation file available here.

By using the installation file the process will be easier, bahkan anda juga bisa langsung menginstalnya di beberapa komputer yang tidak dilengkapi CD ROM.

Canon IX6770 itself is a printer that can be used to print photos and documents, this printer has a maximum printing resolution of 9600 X 2400 dpi with an ESAT / Simplex print speed of around 10.4 ipm.

Driver Canon IX6770 Type

Because this printer is only equipped with a print feature, not a scanner, Canon only provides a print driver.

There are two types of drivers that you can choose from, namely the standard version which will only install the printer driver and the full version which will install other printer support software.

The drivers available here are also compatible with various versions of Windows, dari Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 ke Windows 10 baik versi 32-bit atau 64-bit.

Petunjuk pemasangan

To install the Canon IX6770 driver, the method is actually the same as you install other Windows applications, but so you don’t get confused here, I will explain the steps briefly.

Please first download the driver file below, pastikan printer dalam keadaan hidup dan terhubung ke komputer, after that please refer to the following installation steps.

  1. Klik dua kali pada file driver yang diunduh.
  2. When the “Selamat datang” jendela muncul, select Next.
  3. Select the location “Asia” lalu Next.
  4. If the approval window appears, pilih Yes.
  5. Tunggu hingga proses instalasi selesai.
  6. Akhirnya, select the Complete button to end the installation process.

Sampai disini driver sudah berhasil diinstall, you can directly use the printer to print, atau mengulang kembali the computer first so that the driver can run optimally.

System Requirements

Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11Processor: 2 GHz AMD atau prosesor IntelMemory: 2 GB RAM MinimalStorage: 50 MB atau lebihVersion: 2.75bSize: 13 MB Developers: Canon

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Download Link

Download Driver (13 MB)

Download Driver Full (47 MB)

Last update : November 17, 2023


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