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ScreenToGif 2.37.1

ScreenToGif 2.37.1

Free Download ScreenToGif 2 विंडोज़ के लिए पूर्ण संस्करण स्टैंडअलोन ऑफ़लाइन इंस्टॉलर, it is used to screen and webcam recorder with an integrated editor.

आप मुफ़्त डाउनलोड भी कर सकते हैं Vidmore Player

This program is a highly intuitive application meant to aid users in generating their animations. The program features multiple options for customization, such as adding text strings or sepia effects.

Features of ScreenToGif 2

  • Record your screen and save directly to a gif looped animation or a video.
  • Pause and continue to record or start over by discard the recording.
  • Move the window around to record what you want, it stays on top.
  • You can add Text, Subtitles, Title Frames, Borders, Watermarks, Drawings, वगैरह.
  • Crop and Resize.
  • Remove frames that you don’t want.
  • Select a folder to save the file automatically or select one before encoding.
  • Add the system cursor to your recording.
  • Very small sized and portable executable.

सिस्टम आवश्यकताएं

ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम: खिड़कियाँ 7/8/8.1/10/11प्रोसेसर: 2 गीगाहर्ट्ज़ एएमडी या इंटेल प्रोसेसरयाद: 2 जीबी रैम न्यूनतमभंडारण: 100 एमबी या अधिकसंस्करण: 2.37.1आकार: 62 एमबी

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