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Krotos Concept 2.0.3

Krotos Concept 2.0.3

Free Download Krotos Concept 2 programme d'installation hors ligne autonome de la version complète pour Windows. It is a virtual instrument audio plugin for Windows.

This is a simple but powerful synth. It includes everything you want in a modern synth plugin, beautiful sounds without the complexity of operation found in many other synths.

It gives you access to almost limitless routing parameters to shape the sound. Use multiple sound sources, or load your samples into the granular engine and combine them with conventional oscillators.

Routing and controlling modulation are a breeze in this plugin. It is as easy as dragging and dropping the connections. The creative color coding means you can see modulation sources at a glance.

Features of Krotos Concept 2

  • A virtual instrument audio plugin
  • Simple but powerful synth
  • With tons of great-sounding presets
  • Access to limitless routing parameters
  • Use multiple sound sources
  • Load own samples into the granular engine
  • Drag and drop modulation routing
  • See modulation sources at a glance

Configuration requise

Système opérateur: les fenêtres 7/8/10/11Processeur: Pentium IV ou supérieurMémoire: 1 Go de RAM (2 Go recommandé)Stockage: 1Go ou plus recommandésVersion: 2.0.3Taille: 730 Mo

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Download Krotos Concept 2.0.3

Dernière mise à jour : Octobre 2, 2023


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