DLL-files Fixer est un logiciel ou un outil utile pour corriger les fichiers DLL manquants et les erreurs de fichiers qui surviennent souvent sur votre PC ou ordinateur portable..
With this software you don’t have to bother looking for missing dll files on the internet manually because this program will fix them automatically.
This premium DLL-files Fixer is also capable of cleaning invalid registry files, so that your computer’s performance will not slow down.
Features of DLL-files Fixer
- Scan status
- Install Dll files
- Scan registry
- Defrag registry
- Backup registry
How to Install DLL-files Fixer Premium
- D'abord, turn off your internet connection when the download is finished
- Run the dffsetup.exe file
- When finished, open the activation folder
- Double-click on the 32-bit or 64-bit Registry file (according to your Windows version)
- Use the method below to avoid the blacklist
How to Avoid Blacklists
- Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
- Copy “Host” with file type and paste it on the desktop just in case
- Right-click on the “Host” file and select open with Notepad
- Put the following code under the last hash (#) sign: systweak.com updateservice1.systweak.com www.systweak.com systemspeedup.systweak.com systweak.com/STCheckGenuineness - When finished, please Save
How To Use Dll-Fixer
- Click Start Scanning Now
- Wait until the checking process is complete
- Click Fix Errors
- Restart PC
How to Overcome Missing DLL
- Open the program, sélectionnez le Install DLL Files tab
- Enter a file name in the Search column, for example: msvcp100.dll then click Search
- Click the blue file name below the search results
- The final step is to click Install Recommended
- Restart PC
Note: If Blocked, Uninstall and reinstall. Run the keygen file in the activation folder to get the serial number.
Configuration requise
Système opérateur: les fenêtres 7/8/10/11Mis à jour: Septembre 22, 2021Processeur: Pentium IV ou supérieurMémoire: 1 Go de RAM (2 Go recommandé)Stockage: 20 Mo ou plusVersion: 3.3.90Taille: 4.81 Mo
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Lien de téléchargement
Fixateur de fichiers DLL 3.3.90
Pilote Magicien Lite 5.28
4.5 (2)