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ValhallaDSP Bundle 2024.3

ValhallaDSP Bundle 2024.3

Free Download ValhallaDSP Bundle full version standalone offline installer for Windows; it is a bundle of classic and modern audio delay and echo units.

This program is a take on classic and modern delay and echo units. Tape echo, BBD, old-school digital, and pitch shifting have you covered.

It offers the classics and expands them into new dimensions, with the unique Ratio and Quad delay styles, the Ghost mode (which adds frequency shifting), and a powerful diffusion section that can create anything from smeared echoes to ethereal reverbs.

Programs included:

  • FreqEcho v1.2.0free freqshifter delay
  • Delay v2.5.0tape/BBD/digital/pitch delay
  • Plate v1.6.3classic plate reverb
  • Room v1.6.2true stereo algorithmic reverb
  • Shimmer v1.2.2pitchshifting reverb
  • SpaceModulator v1.1.6free flanger
  • Supermassive v2.5.0free space FX (delay/reverb/modulation)
  • ÜberMod v1.1.6mutlitap delay & modulation
  • VintageVerb v2.2.0classic hardware digital reverbs of the 1970s and 1980s.

Requisitos del sistema

Sistema operativo: ventanas 7/8/10/11Actualizado: Marzo 18, 2024Procesador: Pentium IV o superiorMemoria: 2 GB de RAM (4 GB recomendado)Almacenamiento: 500 MB de almacenamiento o másVersión: 2024.3Tamaño: 10 MEGABYTE Desarrolladores: Valhalla

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ValhallaDSP Bundle 2024.3

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Última actualización : Marzo 19, 2024


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