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SystemRescueCd 8.04

SistemaRescueCd 8.04

Descarga gratuita SystemRescueCd 8 Instalador fuera de línea independiente de la versión completa para Windows. Está basado en Linux y está disponible como CD de arranque. / DVD-ROM or USB stick for the administration and recovery system and data after a crash.

Overview of SystemRescueCd 8 Benefits

It contains tools for working with hard disk: a breakdown into sections, diagnosis, preservation, and restoration parts. Knows how to mount the Windows Ntfs for reading and writing. It also contains tools for configuring the network, network services, search tools, rootkits, and antivirus. Can download it from the CD-ROM, USB drive, or a network via PXE.

SystemRescueCd comes c many programs Linux, such as system tools (separado, part image, stools, etc.) and basic tools (editors, midnight commander, network tools). can use the boot disk on servers, Linux, desktop computers running Linux or Windows. The kernel supports basic file systems (ext2/ext3/ext4, ReiserFS, Reiser4, Btrfs, XFS, JFS, VFAT, NTFS, iso9660), as well as the network file system (Samba and NFS)

Overview of SystemRescueCd 8 Features

  • Fully operable and independent operating system based on Linux, which can run from a bootable CD or DVD drive, even if the main computer’s operating system will not boot.
  • Supports the following file systems: EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, Reiserfs, Reiser4, BTRFS, XFS, JFS, VFAT, NTFS, ISO9660.
  • Support for network file systems: Samba and NFS.
  • Crear, editar, Copiar, restore hard drive partitions.
  • Backup your data.
  • The presence of a number of system utilities
  • Create the user’s own boot disk option.
  • Work with the hard drive

Requisitos del sistema

Sistema operativo: ventanas 7/8/10Procesador: Serie Intel multinúcleo o superior, Xeon o AMD equivalenteMemoria: 4ES (8GB o más recomendados)Almacenamiento: 4GB o más recomendadosVersión: 8.04Tamaño: 741 MEGABYTE

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Última actualización : Julio 26, 2021


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