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PDFCompressor-CL 1.2.8

PDFCompressor-CL 1.2.8

Free Download PDFCompressor-CL full version standalone offline installer for Windows. It is used to optimize and compress PDF documents to save space easily.

Overview of PDFCompressor-CL

This is a command-line application and serves to optimize and compress PDFs. Optimizes and compresses existing PDF files many times over, depending on the initial situation and settings.

One of the main features of the compressor component, in addition to the reduction of the resolution, is that it can create pDFs with the latest and best compression methods – JPEG-2000 and JBIG-2, which are not supported by most PDF applications.

It may make sense to unify all PDF files in the company in terms of compression and resolution to obtain a uniform standard for all received, processed, and archived PDF documents, regardless of where the PDF files came from.

Features of PDFCompressor-CL

  • Compresses existing PDF files
  • Optimize the color depth of images
  • All settings can be managed via profiles
  • Lossless and lossy compression configurable

Requisitos del sistema

Sistema operativo: ventanas 7/8/8.1/10Procesador: 2 Procesador AMD o Intel a GHzMemoria: 2 GB de RAM mínimoAlmacenamiento: 300 MB o másVersión: 1.2.8Tamaño: 12 MEGABYTE

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PDFCompressor-CL 1.2.8

Última actualización : Febrero 21, 2022


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