3-Herramienta de reparación de escritorio PDF de Heights
Descarga gratuita del instalador fuera de línea independiente de la versión completa de la herramienta de reparación de escritorio PDF de 3 alturas para Windows. Repara o restaura documentos PDF defectuosos o ilegibles en la medida de lo posible.
The 3-Heights PDF Analysis & Repair component detects and repairs corrupted PDF documents in automated processing procedures. Repara o restaura documentos PDF defectuosos o ilegibles en la medida de lo posible.
Incorrect PDF creation or manipulation, faulty FTP transfers, system crashes during creation, network interruptions, or incomplete copying can render PDF documents illegible. This can result in the loss of essential data and, consequently, the loss of information or production downtimes.
The 3-Heights PDF Analysis & Repair component analyses PDF documents about PDF specifications and repairs them where indicated. It extracts readable content, such as images or page fragments, from irreparable documents and saves the data as a new document.
Features of 3-Heights PDF Desktop Repair Tool
- High sensitivity in corruption detection
- Comprehensive repair functions
- Restoration of available data from illegible documents
- High restoration speed
- Definition of customized repair profiles for different output documents
- Platform independent
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3-Herramienta de reparación de escritorio PDF de Heights
Sí Príncipe Lógico 15.1
2 (1) -
Tipo de Matemáticas 7.5
5 (2) -
oficina de microsoft 2021
4.4 (9)