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Lumenzia 11.3.2

lumenzia 11.3.2

Descarga gratuita Lumenzia para Windows y MacOS, Las máscaras de luminosidad te permiten crear ediciones magníficas y realistas en Photoshop. Lumenzia allows you to use use them quickly and easily. Its advanced JavaScript engine handles all the luminosity masking complexity for you in the background, so all you need to think about is making beautiful images.

Select and mask anything visually! With Lumenzia, you get a full-screen preview of the mask before applying it. Interactively click on the image to select (or deselect) the tones/colors to the degree you wish. No guesswork with adding and subtracting channels.

Isolate the mask to specific parts of the image with a simple selection. And you can combine group masks with seeing the overall mask impact quickly. It’s never been faster and easier to create or customize a suitable mask. And the masks are created in 16-bits, allowing for smooth transitions in extreme masks.

Click to pick! You don’t have to know which mask to use; just use the built-in zone and range tools to create the suitable mask automatically.

It stays out of the way. Lumenzia offers a compact panel with only the buttons you need and eliminates the need for the channels pallet. This leaves room to easily see your images big and beautiful, even on a laptop screen.

Every action in Lumenzia creates just a single history step so that you can undo anything with <ctrl>-z. And because Lumenzia is programmed in JavaScript, it’s smart enough to take care of errors and other tricky situations for you.

How it works:

  • Preview to easily choose the right preset or custom mask.
  • Apply the preview as a selection or mask.
  • Refine by location/color, clean up rough edges, and paint on the mask non-destructively for perfect results.

Features of Lumenzia 11

  • Streamlined workflow and completely custom masks
  • BlendIf and Vector masks (to save significant file space and avoid the need to update masks)
  • Ability to see and edit luminosity selections just like a layer mask
  • Add, subtract, or intersect any mask or selection for advanced control
  • Color masks (select by color and/or luminosity, visually)
  • Local Contrast Enhancement (easily and automatically bring out more detail)
  • Live masks (see the blended result immediately and try different masks)
  • Zone masks for precise refinement
  • Zone and Range pickers (select the right mask visually by clicking on the image)
  • Zone maps to visualize the image in zones 0-10.
  • “Lighter/Darker” masks (select pixels relative to surrounding pixels)
  • Refine masks to specific locations or colors in the image
  • Combine masks (merge group masks to save space and see exactly what is masked)
  • Support for paths, to facilitate use of luminosity masks with hard edges in architecture
  • Split-screen to see the mask and image simultaneously
  • “PreBlend” to automatically stack, align, and sort exposures for blending
  • A utility to save files >4GB which can be viewed in Lightroom
  • Custom vignettes
  • Dodging and burning
  • Non-destructive sponge tool (advanced saturation painting)
  • Saturation masks (color-specific vibrance control)
  • Apply or replace masks on existing layers with a single click
  • Luminosity and dust visualization tools to easily find and fix defects
  • Advanced sharpening methods for portraits (surface blur) and landscape (high pass)
  • Recordable actions to include light and dark masks/selections in your own actions.
  • Training and support videos, as well as a comprehensive written manual

Requisitos del sistema y detalles técnicos

  • Lumenzia v10 requires Photoshop v23.0 (aka Photoshop 2022) o después, and runs natively on any machine which can run the required version of Photoshop (this includes native support for Apple Silicon).

Requisitos del sistema

Sistema operativo: Win-MacOSProcesador: 2 Procesador AMD o Intel a GHzMemoria: 2 GB de RAM mínimoAlmacenamiento: 300 MB o másVersión: 11.3.2Tamaño: 100 MEGABYTE

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lumenzia 11.3.2

lumenzia 10.9.6

lumenzia 10.9.1

lumenzia 10.8.9

Última actualización : Enero 2, 2023


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