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DriverMax Pro

ControladorMax Pro

Free Download DriverMax Pro 15 full version for Windows PC to get your Nvidia, Intel, Microsoft and Realtek drivers, actualizar, backup and restore outdated, missing or faulty drivers for more than 2,300,000 dispositivos.

DriverMax supports automated installs, scheduled scans, and full device driver backups. It can be set to check for driver updates and download them for you at any time of any day, week, or month. You can find driver updates for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10, ventanas 8.1, ventanas 8, ventanas 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.

Drivers are components that enable the proper functioning of the internal hardware or devices that are connected to the computer. DriverMax reduces system freezes and malfunctions, making for a better performance of your PC by serving you only with the best latest updates.

Más, También puedes descargar GRATIS Cuidado del conductor inteligente Pro.

DriverMax analyzes your existing drivers and provides the latest versions for over 2,300,000 dispositivos. An intelligent and unique online self-learning technology ensures that only the most appropriate and recent versions are installed.

This program DriverMax Pro automatically tests each new driver before installing it on your PC, ensuring its proper functioning. Además, it backs up the current drivers and creates a system restore point, allowing a quick rollback of the installation. All controllers are scanned thoroughly for viruses and threats before they are provided to users.

Features of DriverMax Pro 15

  • Gives details of all drivers, including the version, release date, etc..
  • Create a detailed report (TXT / HTM) of the drivers.
  • Make a backup copy of all the drivers installed in the specified folder.
  • Ability to create an archive with the backups of drivers.
  • Import Wizard to install the drivers from the saved copy.
  • Ability to check for the presence of the more recent versions of the drivers.

Requisitos del sistema

Sistema operativo: ventanas 7/8/10/11Procesador: Pentium IV o superiorMemoria: 1 GB de RAM (2 GB recomendado)Almacenamiento: 200 MB o másVersión:ño: 6 MEGABYTE Desarrolladores: Innovative Solutions

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ControladorMax Pro

ControladorMax Pro

Última actualización : Junio 21, 2023


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