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Digikitz West Coast Grammy 2

Digikitz West Coast Grammy 2

We’re back with a new version of our favorite plugin – West Coast Grammy 2! This time we didn’t focus on the looks but the sounds we care about the most! We return to the hot and sunny West Coast with the sounds that inspire us to create next heat beat.

We prepare over 100 brand new sounds which are recorded in 24bit so now audio is total high quality! We prepare sounds in 13 categories. You can use West Coast Grammy plugin to create Hip-Hop, Trap or even RnB. Compared to the previous version we added some features to control Reverb, Delay, Stutter and Panner. Now for a limited time we will give you access to the plug – BLACKHOLE 808 – completely free!

West Coast Grammy 2:

  • 808
  • Bass
  • Bells
  • Brass
  • Flutes
  • Guitars
  • Keys
  • Leads
  • Organs
  • Pads
  • Plucks
  • Strings
  • Synths

Requisitos del sistema

Sistema operativo: Windows & MacOSProcesador: 2 Procesador AMD o Intel a GHzMemoria: 2 GB de RAM mínimoAlmacenamiento: 4 GB de espacio libre mínimo en discoVersión: 2Tamaño: 1.25 ES

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Digikitz West Coast Grammy 2

Última actualización : Octubre 2, 2023


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