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8GadgetPack 36.0

8GadgetPack 36.0

Free Download 8GadgetPack full version standalone offline installer for Windows, it makes it possible to use gadgets on Windows 7/8/10/11

This program makes it possible to use gadgets on Windows 7/8/10/11. It’s a tool that will help bring back the familiar gadgets on the desktop in Windows 8, which will help you quickly get the right information.

Gadgets are installed in the same simple manner as earlier. Included with the program are 45 gadgets (official from Microsoft and the most popular), also included is a gadget 7 Sidebar, which mimics the Sidebar gadgets Windows Vista.

The program has a set of standard gadgets and some additional gadgets as well, and it also supports easy & quick installation of newer ones.

Features of 8GadgetPack

  • Disable startup programs
  • Reset all the gadgets (back to how things were after the installation)
  • Visit the website of the program
  • Leave a review
  • Uninstall applications

Requisitos del sistema

Sistema operativo: ventanas 7/8/10/11Procesador: Pentium IV o superiorMemoria: 1 GB de RAM (2 GB recomendado)Almacenamiento: 200 MB o másVersión: 36.0Tamaño: 26 MEGABYTE Desarrolladores: Helmut Buhler

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8GadgetPack 36.0

Última actualización : Diciembre 28, 2023


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