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Adobe Camera Raw 16.0

Adobe Camera Raw 16.0

Adobe Camera Raw
Kostenloser Download des Offline-Installationsprogramms für Adobe Camera Raw CC für Windows-PC. Es ist ein unverzichtbares leistungsstarkes Adobe Photoshop-Plugin, das schnellen Zugriff auf RAW-Bildformate bietet.

Adobe Photoshop software’s Adobe Camera Raw CC converter functionality provides fast and easy access to the raw image formats produced by many leading professional and midrange digital cameras. Working with thesedigital negatives,” you can achieve the desired results with greater artistic control and flexibility while maintaining the original RAW files.

Außerdem, it supports a wide range of cameras to allow as many people as possible to process their raw images with ease, regardless if they use Canon, Kodak, Olympus, Konica Minolta, Samsung, Ricoh, Leaf, Contax, Hasselblad, Panasonic, Sony, Sigma, Casio, Leica, Nikon, Fujifilm, Pentax or Mamiya cameras.

Camera Raw (2.3 oder später) supports raw files in the Digital Negative (DNG), a raw file format made available to the public by Adobe.

Features of Adobe Camera Raw CC

  • One-step HDR Panorama merge
  • Depth range masking
  • Process Version 5
  • Support for new cameras and lenses

System Anforderungen

Betriebssystem: Windows 7/8/10/11Prozessor: Intel Core Prozessor 2 or AMD Athlon 64 processorErinnerung: 2 GB RAM (4 GB empfohlen)Grafik: GPU with DirectX 12 or OpenGL 3.3 supportLagerung: 2 GB freier SpeicherplatzAusführung: 16.0Größe: 1.06 GB Entwickler: Adobe

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Adobe Camera Raw 16.0

Letztes Update : Dezember 5, 2023


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