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InternetTest 6.1.0

InternetTest 6.1.0

Free Download InternetTest standalone offline installer for Windows. This is a small tool for checking internet connection status and more.

Overview of InternetTest

This is a small tool for checking internet connection status and more. Easily verify if a specific site is down and navigate it through the Down Detector function. It allows you to check IP location in-app via OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps, or Google Maps.

It also provides you with a connection history displayed on the right side of the simple interface. It can perform all these manually, but it makes them easily accessible without unnecessary navigation.

Features of InternetTest

  • Check your Internet connection
  • IP Localization
  • Down Detector
  • Dark mode
  • Automatic update system
  • Settings customization
  • متعدد اللغات (French and English)

متطلبات النظام

نظام التشغيل: شبابيك 7/8/8.1/10المعالج: إنتل بنتيوم 4 أو لاحقاذاكرة: 1 غيغابايت من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائيتخزين: 50 ميغابايت أو أكثرإصدار: 6.1.0مقاس: 3 ميغابايت

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